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Topic: tech career insights

Top companies hiring Ruby developers in the Netherlands

Here’s a list of companies with exciting missions hiring Ruby developers in the Netherlands right now, to guide your job search.

by Simone Markham

Topic: tech career insights

Embracing self-reflection to own mistakes and boost career growth

Introspection is a critical skill that will help you grow personally and professionally. Here is a time I owned a mistake and learnt from it.

by Shane Parker

Topic: tech career insights

Top job opportunities for Ruby developers in the Netherlands

Here’s a list of companies with exciting job opportunities for Ruby developers in the Netherlands, to guide your job search.

by Simone Markham

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How OfferZen helped TROOP triple their tech team’s size

Here’s how OfferZen helped TROOP triple the size of their tech team and achieve a growth rate of over 300%.

by Marcelle van Niekerk

Topic: salaries

React Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior React developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average React developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech insights

How My Team Used Swagger and RSpec to Create Up-To-Date Documentation

Here's how my team used Ruby on Rails libraries as part of our routine to improve API and system behaviour documentation.

by Ana França

Topic: salaries

TypeScript Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior TypeScript developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average TypeScript developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

Kotlin Developer Salary Trends in South Africa

Learn what junior and senior Kotlin developers earn in South Africa. Find the average Kotlin developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: salaries

JavaScript Developer Salary Trends in the Netherlands

Learn what junior and senior JavaScript developers earn in the Netherlands. Find the average JavaScript developer salary in 2023.

by Josh Nel

Topic: tech insights

Cheat sheet for building startups in South Africa

I've worked on various startups in South Africa for the last 14 years. Here’s my cheat sheet for building a startup in SA!

by Philip Joubert

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