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Topic: tech insights

How TaxTim turned the unsexy task of tax into a business

TaxTim makes tax returns easy. Through a virtual assistant called Tim, the automated online service provides help with tax returns in simple language.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

Helping People Learn to Code

If you’re teaching others how to code, here are some hard earned lessons and handy tips to make the whole experience more fun and effective for everybody.

by Guest Author

Topic: tech insights

How Siyavula tackles South Africa’s education gap

Siyavula Education is an interactive tool that helps students with their math and science skills by adjusting the difficulty using machine learning.

by offerzen

Topic: tech insights

Root app - Bursary card for students

Simthembile Yuku is a student at WSU and one of Root’s private beta users. He built an MVP of a bursary app for WSU students in December last year.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

How takealot.com is scaling their developer team

Takealot is SA's largest e-commerce platform. Their overall team grew by a whopping 50% over the past year, and the developer team almost doubled in size.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

Root: Fully programmable bank account for developers

OfferZen has been working on a project called Root - an experiment to open up the world of financial services for software developers.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

How Elmien Hammerschmidt founded RunwaySale

RunwaySale is an online shopping club that offers its members designer brands at great prices. Their daily flash sales spark a complete frenzy.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech insights

How Custos solves piracy with bitcoin

Custos uses blockchain technology to combat piracy. They have positioned themselves at the cutting edge of content security.

by Helené van Tonder

Topic: tech career insights

How Managerial Experience Affects Dev Salaries

Managers can have a large influence on the overall company output. Devs with managerial experience thus earn a salary premium over those without.

by Harry Hands

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Company perks and what they say about culture

We currently have more than 370 companies on OfferZen, and for this article we investigated the 2500+ perks they’ve listed so far.

by Helené van Tonder

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