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Announcing OfferZen Enterprise

14 September 2018, by Philip Joubert

Since we started OfferZen in 2015, we’ve been working on making it easier for companies and makers to connect. And it’s working! More than 900 companies rely on OfferZen today, from growing startups like Luno to huge enterprises like Nedbank.

Today we’re excited to announce OfferZen Enterprise, a new version of our platform specifically designed for large organizations. OfferZen Enterprise provides all the same core features as our standard platform - plus a few new tools for managing the complexities of hiring at scale.

The first big feature we’re releasing as part of the enterprise platform is Hiring Teams, which allows several different teams or divisions to operate within a single OfferZen account. These teams can be set up to either work collaboratively or in isolation from one another, depending on whether the company wants different teams to compete for candidates or not.

In larger companies, the culture and work style often differs significantly between teams. So we’re adding the ability for each team to create a unique profile that tells candidates about what working with them is like.

Along with hiring teams, we’re also adding additional permission levels for members. For instance, you’ll be able to give someone from marketing access to edit the company profile while restricting their access to candidates.

The roadmap for OfferZen Enterprise includes:

  • Market insights - Comparative analysis of your activities against industry standards which let’s you benchmark your company’s hiring performance.
  • Advanced reporting - Track KPIs and engagement metrics on an individual and team level.

For now we're still in private beta with OfferZen Enterprise, but if you’d like to get early access just talk to your account manager about getting set up.

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