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Brad Porteus, OLX: Lessons Learned About Building Leadership From Within

7 October 2020, by Stephen van der Heijden

Brad Porteus, former Chief HR Officer and current Global CMO at OLX Group, joined us for a fireside chat to discuss what it really means to be a leader. In Brad's experience, you don't have to have a title to make your mark in your team. He shared with us some of the lessons he's learned about leadership over the years, having worked in management roles at a variety of major tech companies, including eBay, Yelp, Elance and MTV.

Check out what Brad has to say about:

  • Leadership behaviours that can elevate tech leaders beyond technical abilities
  • The difference between management and leadership, and the importance of nurturing both skills
  • Preparing and setting up team leads for future leadership roles

Check out all the photos taken at the event here!

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