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See how OfferZen can help you hire curated developers

Explore what developer hiring on OfferZen looks like, from starting your search and collaborating with your team to scheduling interviews and sending offers.

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1000+ new job-seeking
developers every month

25 days to hire on

99% developer
response rate

Why choose OfferZen for developer hiring

Step One

Candidate quality

Developers on our platform have been screened by our team for skill and intent to change jobs.

Step One

Transparent developer profiles

Candidate profiles include their career aspirations, skill sets, work histories, citizenship status and expected salary.

Step One

Simplified sourcing and matching

Get matched based on your open roles or search for candidates based on advanced criteria.

Step One

Expert tech hiring guidance

Access position-relevant salary benchmarks, objective feedback from candidates, and more with your Account Manager.

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