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Topic: hiring tips and insights

How To Win At Tech Hiring In SA

At the recent Tech Leadership event, we shared hiring insights from the 2021 State of the Dev Nation Report, digging into reasons tech leaders could miss out on...

by Alexandra Hanson

Topic: hiring tips and insights

12 Tips for Tech Founders to Win at Early-Stage Hiring

After years of experience hiring people, here are some tips to help level up your hiring process in the early stages of your company’s growth.

by Philip Joubert

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How to Use Collaboration to Engage With Devs More Meaningfully

As a tech recruiter, Mark Deubel works really closely with his hiring manager and team to make his reach-out to candidates more meaningful. Here's how.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

3 Tips for Finding ‘Unicorns’ by Making Technical Interviews More Interactive

Technical interviews are part of most companies' hiring process, and are one of the most important stages. But Ed O’Reilly and David O’Reilly, COO/Co-foun...

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Attracting Remote Talent: Why Telling Your Company Story Matters

The best in tech hiring at Codility, Recruitee, and co. share advice on what companies who are getting remote hiring right are doing.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

Why Showcasing Your Remote Work Culture Through Hiring Matters

Codility and OfferZen surveyed over 2300 software professionals on remote work. Here, they discuss why successfully champion culturing in remote hiring matters.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

New Employee Onboarding and Integration in a Remote/Hybrid Workplace

One of our Account Managers, Nomfundo Mkhize, shares tips and tricks on how to approach new employee onboarding and integration in a remote/hybrid workplace.

by Anthea Hartzenberg

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How Authenticity Can Help You Win in Remote Recruitment

Peter, Head of Recruitment at Dariel, says authenticity is the key to tech talent attraction in an online world. He shares how and why it's effective.

by Jomiro Eming

Topic: hiring tips and insights

How OfferZen Thinks About Hiring Tech Talent for Our Team

Bailey Kropman, Head of Organisational Design and Performance at OfferZen, shares how we think about hiring internal tech talent as well as some practical tips.

by Anthea Hartzenberg

Topic: hiring tips and insights

3 Tips to Get your Remote Candidate Experience Right

Recruitee’s remote hiring report shows clearly that companies who win at remote hiring get one thing right: Candidate experience. Here's why, and some advice.

by Jomiro Eming

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